Expand the README to provide more details about the device as well as how to
configure and interract with it. List known issues.

Signed-off-by: Darren Hart <dvh...@linux.intel.com>
CC: Scott Rifenbark <scott.m.rifenb...@intel.com>
 meta-fri2/README |  190 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta-fri2/README b/meta-fri2/README
index df2fa87..ac7a04d 100644
--- a/meta-fri2/README
+++ b/meta-fri2/README
@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@ This README file contains information on building the 
meta-fri2 BSP
 layer, and booting the images contained in the /binary directory.
 Please see the corresponding sections below for details.
-The Fish River Island II platform consists of the Intel Atom Z6xx
-processor, plus the Intel EG20T Platform Controller Hub (Tunnel Creek
-+ Topcliff), along with a varied assortment of communications options
-and various other machine-to-machine (m2m) capabilities.
+The Fish River Island II BSP supports the Kontron M2M Smart Services
+Developer Kit, as described here:
+The platform consists of the Intel Atom E640T processor plus the Intel
+EG20T Platform Controller Hub (Tunnel Creek + Topcliff), along with a
+variety of communications options and other machine-to-machine (m2m)
 It also supports the E6xx embedded on-chip graphics via the Intel
 Embedded Media and Graphics Driver (EMGD) 1.10 Driver.
@@ -44,6 +49,21 @@ Table of Contents
   I. Building the meta-fri2 BSP layer
  II. Booting the images in /binary
+III. Device Notes
+     a. Serial Port
+     b. HDMI
+     c. Power Reset
+     d. Accelerometer
+     e. GPIO
+     f. MMC
+     g. 802.11
+     h. 802.15.4
+     i. Audio
+     j. Optional devices
+ IV. Known Issues
+     a. EFI boot fails
+     b. Client USB is disabled
+     c. Audio over secondary HDMI port only
 I. Building the meta-fri2 BSP layer
@@ -55,9 +75,8 @@ Package (BSP) Downloads' page of the Yocto Project website.
 Having done that, and assuming you extracted the BSP tarball contents
 at the top-level of your yocto build tree, you can build an fri2 image
-by adding the location of the meta-fri2 layer to bblayers.conf, along
-with the meta-intel layer itself (to access common metadata shared
-between BSPs) e.g.:
+by adding the location of the meta-intel and meta-fri2 layers to
+bblayers.conf, e.g.:
   yocto/meta-intel \
   yocto/meta-intel/meta-fri2 \
@@ -139,3 +158,160 @@ the syslinux boot: prompt, or the boot: prompt contains 
 characters), try doing this first:
 # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=1M count=512
+III. Device Notes
+a. Serial Port
+The FRI2 has an optional serial daughter card providing a serial
+console via the micro-USB port on the top of the device adjascent the
+SIM card slot.
+The UART from the EG20T is connected to a TI UART-to-USB device
+(TUSB3410) which appears as a serial port on the host computer. From a
+Linux host, load the driver with the following options:
+# modprobe ti_usb_3410_5052 vendor_3410=0x0451 product_3410=0x5053
+In future versions of the Linux kernel (3.4 and later), the
+vendor and product codes are detected automatically.
+When you power on your FRI2, your host will discover a serial device
+and name it /dev/ttyUSB0 (or similar). You can communicate with this
+device at 115200 8N1 using your preferred terminal emulator.
+In order to redirect the BIOS console to the serial port, you may need
+to set up console redirection in the BIOS menu. The serial port is
+referred to as COM2 in the BIOS.
+  Advanced
+    Serial Port Console Redirection
+      COM2
+      Console Redirection [Enabled]
+      Console Redirection Settings
+        Terminal Type         [ANSI]
+        Bits per second       [115200]
+        Data Bits             [8]
+        Parity                [None]
+        Stop Bits             [1]
+        Flow Control          [None]
+        Recorder Mode         [Disabled]
+        Resolution 100x31     [Disabled]
+        Legacy OS Redirection [80x24]
+Note that the UART clock is configured at 48MHz in the firmware. This
+will cause problems with software assuming a typical 1.8 MHz clock.
+The Linux kernel pch-uart driver is aware of the clock, but Syslinux,
+for example, is not. For software expecting a typical clock, directing
+them to use a BAUD of 3318 (rather than 115200) can work around the
+b. HDMI
+The FRI2 has two micro HDMI ports. The one closest to the 1/8" audio
+jacks is the primary display.
+c. Power Reset
+The recessed button adjacent the LEDs on the top of the device is a
+power reset button.
+d. Accelerometer
+The LIS331DLH accelerometer is connected to the I2C bus on the CPLD on
+the compute module. The driver for this chip is under active
+development and will be included in the BSP once completed.
+e. GPIO
+The FRI2 has two I2C PCA555x GPIO devices used for internal control
+signals. These have not been exposed in the current release of the
+BSP, but may be in the future. Regardless, these do would not provide
+general purpose IO with which to read or drive additional signals.
+f. MMC
+The FRI2 provides two microSD card MMC devices. One is located
+adjacent the 1/8" audio jacks, another is located on the board inside
+the chassis. These devices can be used to boot the device, or as
+secondary storage.
+g. 802.11
+The Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 that ships with the
+FRI2 is supported. You can use connman-gnome to configures the
+h. 802.15.4
+The TI CC2531 802.15.4 radio is a USB ACM modem. The MAC is enabled by
+issuing the following command:
+# echo J > /dev/ttyACM0
+The bank of 3 LEDs nearest the power reset button will change if this
+command is executed successfully. If you have a 3G modem installed,
+the 802.15.4 device may appear as /dev/ttyACM3 instead.
+The linux-zigbee stack recognizes and enumerates the modem. No further
+testing or integration has been done.
+i. Audio
+The FRI2 has an 1/8" analog output (nearest the antennae), a line-in
+input below that, as well as SPDIF over HDMI. These can be tested
+using the alsa-utils package. aplay -l will list both playback
+# aplay -l
+**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
+card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 0: ALC262 Analog [ALC262 Analog]
+  Subdevices: 1/1
+  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
+card 0: MID [HDA Intel MID], device 3: ALC262 Digital [ALC262 Digital]
+  Subdevices: 1/1
+  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
+Using a sample WAV file, you can use aplay to play to either device:
+Over analog:
+# aplay -D plughw:0,0 sample.wav
+Over HDMI:
+# aplay -D plughw:0,3 sample.wav
+j. Optional Devices
+The FRI2 has two mini-PCIe slots internally. The device ships with a
+half-length wireless card installed. This can be replaced with a
+wireless + bluetooth card. The other slot is available for use with
+cellular cards or mSATA SSDs.
+The Ericsson F5521gw 3G modem has been verifed with the FRI2 images.
+Note that the connman-gnome UI does not allow for configuring the
+cellular interface. The ofono-tests package can be used to configure
+the modem and bring up an interface.
+IV. Known Issues
+a. EFI
+The FRI2 firmware can boot to an EFI shell. It does not yet boot the
+EFI payload provided on the FRI2 live image. This is a known issue
+under investigation.
+b. Client USB is disabled
+The micro-USB port adjacent the primary HDMI port is intended for
+Client USB functionality, but is not supported on current revisions of
+the device.
+c. Audio over secondary HDMI port only
+While audio over HDMI has been shown to work, it seems to only work over
+the secondary (bottom-most) HDMI port. There does not appear to be a
+deterministic way of getting the device to output the signal (video and audio)
+over the secondary port.

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