On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 09:11:49PM +0200, Elvis Dowson wrote:
> Hi,
>       I get a bunch of warnings asking me to set SYSTEMD_PACKAGES as 
> <existing-package>-systemd.

You get those from the recipes that inherit systemd.bbclass, but not set 
SYSTEMD_PACKAGES with ${PN}-systemd for some reason. Sometimes it's wrong and 
needs fixing, but often it's done on purpose and the warning just needs to be 

> WARNING: /tool/yocto/meta-ti/recipes-misc/payload/bonescript.bb: it is 
> recommended to set SYSTEMD_PACKAGES as <existing-package>-systemd

The first one is now silenced in meta-ti.

> /tool/yocto/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/networkmanager/networkmanager_0.9.2.0.bb:
>  it is recommended to set SYSTEMD_PACKAGES as <existing-package>-systemd
> WARNING: /tool/yocto/poky/meta/recipes-extended/lighttpd/lighttpd_1.4.30.bb: 
> it is recommended to set SYSTEMD_PACKAGES as <existing-package>-systemd

For these 2 please report them on openembedded-devel mailing list, where 
meta-oe things are being discussed. The last warning is confisuing, as it 
reports the recipe is in poky/oe-core, but it actually comes from the 
corresponding .bbappend in meta-oe.

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