On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitz...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there plans in the Yocto roadmap to make the meta/scripts/kgit tools
> generally usable?
> I like the organization of the Yocto kernel repository and for my
> embedded project I'm considering using the Yocto build system along with
> a Yocto-style kernel tree instead of maintaining my kernel patches as
> recipe add-ons.  The Yocto-style kernel repo could be either a local
> clone of Yocto's kernel repo with extra machine-specific branches, or a
> kernel.org tree locally post-processed by kgit-scc.
> I experimented with meta/scripts/kgit-scc from linux-yocto-dev but the
> kgit tools don't seem to be intended for general use yet (e.g. the -meta
> files contain hard-coded home directory paths, and guilt-push complains
> that guilt-init must be run first).  The official Yocto documentation
> says as much, but I was wondering if there are future plans to
> generalize these tools.

I've got a series of patches that aren't yet published that make things more
generic + some documentation about how to use them to create repositories
from scratch.

Both those changes are largely prep'd and I should have them out in the
next few weeks (i.e. early in the 1.3 cycle).



> Thanks,
> Thomas
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