Hi Nitin,

Thanks for the links and for stopping by our booth today.  I enjoyed the chance 
to learn about the yocto-project and how yaSSL might be able to fit into the 
project.  I'll take a closer look at what actions make sense going forward from 
here when I get back into the office next week.

We look forward to working with you!


Chris Conlon
Skype: chris_conlon_07
+1 406 209 0601

On Mar 27, 2012, at 5:53 PM, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:

> Hi Chris,
>   Here is the recipe we have in yocto-project for openssl projects to be 
> incorporated into embedded Linux distributions. 
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl
> Please visit www.yoctoproject.org for more information on the Yocto Project.
> It would be nice to get yassl recipe also in there as an alternative to 
> openssl.
> Context for others: I came across Chris at ESC, He works for yassl .com which 
> provides GPLv2  ssl solution like openssl which is smaller compared to 
> openssl and targeted for embedded solutions.
> Thanks,
> Nitin

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