Hello all,

On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 12:53 +0530, Joshua Immanuel wrote:
> While building the custom-image bitbake complains 
>         | error: Failed dependencies:
>         |       libharu is needed by task-custom-hdb-1.0-r3.ekino
> How do I fix this issue? 

On further digging (log.do_package_write_rpm) I found that libharu,
libharu-doc and libharu-locale rpms were not created

        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-dbg
        NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for libharu
        NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for libharu-doc
        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-dev
        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-staticdev
        NOTE: Not creating empty RPM package for libharu-locale
To fix this I added ALLOW_EMPTY = "1" in the recipe which ended up
creating empty rpms

        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-dbg
        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu
        NOTE: Creating EMPTY RPM Package for libharu
        NOTE: Creating EMPTY RPM Package for libharu-doc
        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-dev
        NOTE: Creating RPM package for libharu-staticdev
        NOTE: Creating EMPTY RPM Package for libharu-locale
This suppressed the dependency error and was able to generate final
rootfs image but the libharu libraries were not available in that image.
So, how do I end up creating non-empty libharu rpm. (I guess that will
solve the issue)

Please guide me.

Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited

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