On 31/01/12 17:39, Wang, Shane wrote:
Hi, all,

Belen has a new video for Hob2 workflow and design.


It just came to my attention through another channel that the description column of the packages table is no longer present.

There had been some discussion about how to show relevant description information in that column, so I'm surprised to see it go.

Belen, I assume from a design perspective this field was removed as it didn't show anything particularly useful? If we have useful data to include in that field is there a more appropriate way to integrate it into the UI? Perhaps a tooltip? Or an information overlay as has been used in other areas of the design?

I'm concerned that if we give the user a list of packages without any more information we aren't making it easy for them to build an OS image without already understanding exactly all of the components they need - thoughts?

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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