
On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 17:12 +0530, Joshua Immanuel wrote:
> My use-case is such that I need to run a particular task irrespective
> of the changes in that recipe. By adding the task to
> do_bootimg[depends] I was able to accomplish that. (I am not sure
> whether it is the preferred way of doing it) 

After removing the INHERIT += "rm_work" from my build/conf/local.conf,
the dependency added to following

        do_bootimg[depends] += "base-files:do_install"
failed to force rebuild. So, again I am stuck with local.conf file
manipulation :(

I guess there should be a cleaner approach to this than doing

        $ bitbake -c clean base-files
        $ bitbake custom-image
the above, every time I build my custom image.

Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited

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