On 02/02/12 11:15, James Abernathy wrote:
On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Joshua Lock <j...@linux.intel.com
<mailto:j...@linux.intel.com>> wrote:

    On 02/02/12 09:44, jfabernathy wrote:

        On 02/02/2012 12:36 PM, jfabernathy wrote:

            On 02/02/2012 12:06 PM, Mark Hatle wrote:

                On 2/2/12 10:08 AM, jfabernathy wrote:

                    On 02/01/2012 10:59 PM, jfabernathy wrote:

                        Am I the only one seeing this dead link? I'm
                        building from master and
                        can't get to this link that draws the error:


    This is supposed to be a transient error but so far as I can see the
    fd.o cgit is still down.

        Just noticed that what's on the Yocto mirror is
        libva_0.31.0-1+sds9.1ubuntu1.__tar.gz ), but the recipe is
        calling for a
        newer version, libva-1.0.12.tar.bz2

    I don't see libva-1.0.12 anywhere in poky or meta-yocto, the mirror
    is only updated once the autobuilder has seen the recipe and
    downloaded the object to mirror.

    After a quick google I can't find a libva newer than 0.32.0+1sds2 -
    where did you get your libva recipe from?

If I checkout master on poky and meta-intel and run the normal crownbay
(not the no-EMGD version) I get this error. Also on 1.2_M2 tag.

Whoops, I wasn't looking in the common directory - sorry about that.
That version of the Libya recipe has existed since November 26th, we really should be mirroring that.

Beth, are we updating the mirrors with packages fetched during builds of BSP's?

Sadly, (so far as I can tell) it looks like libva stopped hosting tarball releases and rely only on the snapshot functionality of git to supply tarballs. Which is fine until something like this happens.

If you can find a tarball of libva-1.0.12 from a source you trust you can download it and dump it in your DL_DIR to proceed your build.

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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