The poky-extras meta-kernel-dev layer seems to force a complete rebuild of linux-yocto from do_fetch at every invocation of bitbake, even if nothing changed in the kernel.
For example, if I run: $ bitbake core-image-minimal And it builds everything, including linux-yocto, but do_bootimg fails in core-image-minimal, and I then fix the issue in bootimg.bbclass and run: $ bitbake core-image-minimal It starts with do_fetch of linux-yocto. The linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend in my meta-kernel-dev looks like the following: FILESEXTRAPATHS := "${THISDIR}/${PN}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = ${MACHINE} # KMACHINE is the branch to build # KMACHINE_<MACHINE> ?= "yocto/${LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE}/${KMACHINE}" # KERNEL_FEATURES are features to be added to the kernel, and must # point to configurations stored on the 'meta' branch of the kernel # that is being built. # KERNEL_FEATURES ?= <FOO> # It is often nice to have a local clone of the kernel repos, to # allow patches to be staged, branches created, etc. Modify # KSRC_linux_yocto to point to your local clone as appropriate. # KSRC_linux_yocto ?= /path/to/local/linux-yocto-3.0 KMACHINE ?= "yocto/${LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE}/${KMACHINE}" SRC_URI = "git://${KSRC_linux_yocto};protocol=file;nocheckout=1;branch=${KBRANCH},meta;name=machine,meta" KERNEL_REVISION_CHECKING= SRCREV=${AUTOREV} #BB_LOCALCOUNT_OVERRIDE = "1" LOCALCOUNT = "0" In my bblayers, I have: $ cat bblayers.conf # LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf # changes incompatibly LCONF_VERSION = "4" #PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-rt" #PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto-rt = "3.0+git%" KSRC_linux_yocto=/home/dvhart/source/linux/linux-yocto-3.0.git KSRC_linux_yocto_dev=/home/dvhart/source/linux/linux-yocto-dev.git BBFILES ?= "" BBLAYERS = " \ /home/dvhart/source/poky/meta \ /home/dvhart/source/poky/meta-yocto \ /home/dvhart/source/poky/layers/meta-intel \ /home/dvhart/source/poky/layers/meta-intel/meta-sys940x \ /home/dvhart/source/poky/layers/poky-extras/meta-kernel-dev \ " Bruce says it doesn't behave this way for him. Anyone have any ideas what might be triggering this? -- Darren Hart Intel Open Source Technology Center Yocto Project - Linux Kernel _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list