On 01/26/2012 05:42 PM, Saul Wold wrote:
> On 01/26/2012 05:29 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
>> In support of a new BSP I've written two new recipes and appended to
>> another to depend on them. The new recipes files are not appearing in
>> the resulting images. I'm sure I'm overlooking something trivial, but
>> I'm not sure what it would be. The layer is available here:
>> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/meta-intel-contrib/log/?h=dvhart/sys940x
>> I've added ranpwd, genmac, and appended to netbase.
>> netbase RDEPENDS on genmac and genmac RDEPENDS on ranpwd. Building
>> core-image-minimal triggers the build of genmac and ranpwd, and the
>> modified /etc/network/interfaces appears in the rootfs. genmac and
>> ranpwd place the appropriate files in their workdir/image directory, but
>> those files don't make it into the rootfs.
> RDEPENDS_${PN} would work much better !

Perhaps, but it didn't fix this particular problem. Neither
/usr/bin/ranpwd nor /etc/init.d/genmac appear in the rootfs. However,
each still appears in their respective workdir/image:

$ find
-name "ranpwd"

$ find
-name "genmac"

$ ls tmp/work/core2-poky-linux/genmac-1.0-r0/image/etc/init.d/

$ ls tmp/work/core2-poky-linux/ranpwd-git-r0/image/usr/bin/

genmac doesn't have a log.do_install in the workdir/temp directory. Is
that significant?

ranpwd does, but it isn't instructive:

$ cat tmp/work/core2-poky-linux/ranpwd-git-r0/temp/log.do_install
DEBUG: SITE files ['endian-little', 'bit-32', 'ix86-common',
'common-linux', 'common-glibc', 'i586-linux', 'common']

Any other thoughts?

> Sau!
>> Can anyone offer an explanation as to why that might be? The top 4
>> commits of the repository linked to above will list the new recipes and
>> the bbappend for reference.
>> Thanks,

Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Yocto Project - Linux Kernel
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