I propose having a monthly, online developer forum that promotes discussion on 
longer term technical issues that impact both Yocto and OpenEmbedded.  This 
would supplement the already existing mailing list and irc communication 
channels.  In order to facilitate this, I'd like to propose a telephone/web 
conference, which my employer has agreed to host.

This forum would help provide an additional way for the community to discuss 
technical issues and share information about planned work and works in progress.

Initial Topics for Discussion might include:
1.      layering definitions - discussion on what exists today and how to make 
it better
2.      discussions on techniques to make working with oe/yocto better
3.      oe/yocto disconnects (opportunities for better alignment)
4.      common new user issues
5.      documentation (standards, lacks, etc)
6.      ?


Sean Hudson | Embedded Linux Architect for Mentor Embedded Linux
Mentor Graphics - Embedded Software Division(tm)

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