But when I run " make install DESTDIR=/alternate/directory", only doc will go 
into /alternate/directory/alternate/directory.
I assume my command is not wrong per the INSTALL readme.


Trevor Woerner wrote onĀ 2012-01-06:

> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:28 AM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On (28/12/11 14:54), Wang, Shane wrote:
>>> This patch is to remove DESTDIR in docdir.
>>> Otherwise, when users install by running `make install
> DESTDIR=/alternate/directory' specified in the file INSTALL, the doc will go
> into /alternate/directory/alternate/directory, which is not expected.
>> DESTDIR is supposed to relocate the install dir why is this wrong ?
> Agree. Additionally, "make distcheck" will generally fail if there is

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