Paul, Beth, Saul, Josh, John Cherry, ScottR, Richard, Tom, Jessica, Jeff, Sean, 
New action item list:
  - Mark will review unsorted features from Wind River team and try to have 
them scheduled (WIP, finalizing it.)
  - Song and Saul to follow on Scott Garmen's M2 schedule conflict.
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.1.1 point release update - 10 min (Josh)
  1.0.2 released? Any progress for 1.1.1? Targeting the end of Jan.? 
  - Branch together, some issues, most are fixed. You are targeting Mid-Jan.
* Yocto 1.2 M1 release readiness - 10 min (Team) 
  - Wait for Jiajun's full test report for release readiness.
  - All P1 features are completed. Many P2/P3 features made into M1. Review 
incomplete M1 features (Current status? Anything depend on them? How to fit 
into the rest of milestones? What's the impact)
  - Many M2 features have been started. About half of the release development 
effort is in progress. Hopefully in the remaining milestones, the flow of pull 
requests will be relatively steady.
  - HOB2 made great progress. Even M2 features for HOB2 have been completed. 
Most of the features can be demonstrated under the current UI. There are still 
work to be done under the re-designed UI. Re-planning is in progress. Promising 
to complete HOB2 with re-designed UI. Bugzilla will be updated with the new 
  - We got more medium+ bugs in the last 2 weeks. At the same time, we also 
fixed quite some. So the remaining med+ bugs are pretty much unchanged. Nitin 
has fixed a lot of bugs (24), He's leading on the number of bugs fixed. 
  - 3 high bugs: 
    . multi-lib (1835), Richard has tested a fix and it works. 
    . 1841: M1 build related testing with latest fix, already fixed in master. 
    . 1807: FRI 2 related. Darren is working with on it
  - Package update exceeding our M1 target. Need Saul's data to update the 
  - Master status: green across the board. Fantastic! Thanks to Richard, Saul, 
Beth and the team
* Yocto 1.2 M2 planning status check and action plan - 10 min (Song)
  - Meta core team: done most last week, will complete this week. Song will 
follow up with Saul. Scott Garmen's M2 feature may be at risk since he has some 
work from Dave on training.  Richard has concerns on this. 1.2 is focused on 
usability. Error handling and removing warning messages are important. We will 
work out a solution for this. Need to wait after new year when Dave comes back. 
Options include taking other work off ScottG's shoulder or ask someone else to 
help. Song and Saul will follow up on this one.
  - Kernel team: Tom does not see any change for his M2 schedule. Will follow 
up with Darren and Bruce.
  - ADT: Jessica? BSP kernel tool needs to be moved to M3, Jessica will send 
Song email.
  - Paul: M2 schedule looks ok. No change
* Opens - 10 min
 - Bernard, 1.0.2: releasing Berbard today, release note ready, tarball set, 
made it to the mirror already. It's Bernard 5.0.2 ScottR will follow up with 
Beth on  any possible manual changes? Seems nothing so far.
* Action item Review - 5 min
     - Mark will review unsorted features from Wind River team and try to have 
them scheduled (WIP, finalizing it.)
* Weekly team sharing (20 min)
 - Sean: no major plan. Looking for some down time.
 - Jeff: Mark is making progress. 
 - Jessica: just came back from vacation. Looked at M2, done planning. Working 
on ADT.
 - Tom: worked on Yocto BSPs, usability, posted for review. Bugs and internal 
BSPs. Next week mainly focusing internal BSPs.
 - Richard: Spent time dealing with package bugs, clean installs and 
autobuilder issues. Pushed patches in, making sure we have green build for 
autobuilder. Some long standing bugs remaining, will be working on them. 
 - Scott R: working on some bugs, 3 done. A couple new ones in, working on 
them. working on remote system, so he can work remotely for a while. Windows 
users doc is done, it's a new page on the website. But need to wait for Jefro's 
website rework to be done to make it public.
 - John: looking for some downtime. 
 - Josh: working on release, trying to get 1.1.1 build ready for QA before 
Christmas break.
 - Saul: follow bugs, updates, pull requests, planning M2, avoiding the 
shopping crowd. 
 - Beth: Intel stuff, worked liecensing issues, trying to get some standard in 
order. There was work for M1, 1.1.1, 1.0.2. 
 - Paul: been doing host ditro testing. Update QT, hit a snag with recipes 
(linking with libs), still not sure about the fix. Will comtinue with that next 
week. Only taking UK holiday. 26/27 and 01/02/2012 

Special note: Our team sharing uncovered that we have less snow so far for this 
winter across US cities and UK. But it does not mean it's not cold. Still need 
to pay heating bill :(. 

Happy holidays everyone! :)

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