2011/12/20 Wang, Shane <shane.w...@intel.com>:
> Hi all,
> Web UI interface is the next what we are going to do. Uriel drafted the first 
> iteration of the architecture design and I posted it onto 
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Web_UI.
> Looking forward to your feedbacks.
> --
> Shane
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It sounds like you want to build it all from scratch, quite a lot of
work to build a fully featured web build system,
in this case compatibility to other systems would be nice.

For web builds with bitbake, Jenkins-CI (a fork of the continuous
integration system Hudson) [1] could be worth a look,
it is more than just a build tool.

There is also Autobuilder, but I guess for end users it is too much
configuration effort?
Jenkins-CI was very easy to setup and with a plug-in it could be as
simple as pointing the web-UI to the Bitbake path,
managing cluster/cloud/slave-pc entities is easy too.

Just my 0.02 cents in the case that you didn't already cast it in concrete.
IMHO it looks like Jenkins and the concept-pdf are very similar,
only difference seems to be: you want to invent it all by yourself?

[1] Jenkins-CI : http://jenkins-ci.org/

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