On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Navani Kamal Srivastava
<navani.srivast...@lnties.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> 1-     I wish to know how we are supposed to include package name in rootfs
> *.bb file?
> Like if I have to include Qt-4.6.3 , which parameter from
> qt4-embedded_4.6.3.bb file I need to give in rootfs poky-image.bb file? I
> tried giving-
> IMAGE_INSTALL += "qt4 busybox tcp-wrappers iproute2 canutils alsa-utils
> alsa-lib directfb hwapps tslib-conf tslib-tests tslib-calibrate"
> But got error Unable to find qt4 package..

recipe names may not be the output package names in lot of cases. So
you have to look at PACKAGES that come out of the .bb ( recipe)
and add those to IMAGE_INSTALL

if you do bitbake -e <recipe> | grep -e "^PACKAGES="

should list the packages the given recipe will generate. In your case try

bitbake -e qt4-embedded | grep -e "^PACKAGES="
> 2-     I need to get libstdc++.so.6 library in rootfs. Which package I am
> supposed to install to get the same?

it should be in libstdc++6 package which is generated by building
so now you see the difference between package and recipe names
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