On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Ni Qingliang
<niqingli...@insigma.com.cn> wrote:
> maybe not only similar, but same:)
> curious, the issue disappeared, what I can remeber is reconfigured the
> busybox.
> maybe another thing is rebuilded all.
> before that, I have added debug code in udhcpc's script, and found that:
> mkdir /etc/AAAAA  will fail
> but
> cd /etc
> mkdir ./AAAAA will success.
> maybe that is a clue, but I can't reproduce the problem.:(
> the IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE is 16M, only used about 11M.
> I have looked the source code of the poky, it will use the bigger one in
> (ROOTFS_SIZE and 1.3 * real_size) by default.

Can you add a bug to bugzilla.yoctoproject.org to track this so we can
try to fix this for the 1.1 release?

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