On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 10:15 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> (look on the bright side -- eventually, after many, many patches, i
> will have nothing left to whine about.)


>   from quick start manual, i notice that all toolchain tarballs have
> "sdk" in the filename, whereas the actual downloads have "gmae".  a
> simple textual fix, i'm assuming.  (what means "gmae"?)

GMAE = GNOME Mobile and Embedded

think cut down GNOME.

>   more significantly, QS manual states that toolchains "should" be
> installed under /opt/poky.  "should" is a loaded word -- it implies a
> recommendation for some benefit but not an actual requirement.  and
> installing it there requires the reader to have root privilege,
> something to be avoided if at all possible.
>   can someone clarify the "shouldness" or "mustness" of toolchain
> installation under /opt/poky?

At this point its a requirement, we'd like to relax that but it isn't
possible right now.



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