Hi Richard,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Purdie [mailto:richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org]
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:01 PM
> To: Xu, Dongxiao
> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: Re: configure optimization feature update
> Hi Dongxiao,
> On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 08:57 +0800, Xu, Dongxiao wrote:
> > Recently I was doing the "configure optimization" feature and
> > collecting data for it.
> >
> > The main logic of this feature is straight forward:
> >
> > 1. Use the diff file as autoreconf cache. (I use command: "diff -ruN
> > SOURCE-ORIG SOURCE", here "SOURCE-ORIG" is the source directory before
> > running autoreconf, while "SOURCE" is the directory after running
> > autoreconf).
> > 2. Add SRC_URI checksum for all patches of the source code.
> > 3. Tag each autoreconf cache file with ${PN} and the SRC_URI checksum
> > of source code and all patches.
> > 4. If the currently SRC_URI checksum matches the cached checksum, then
> > we can patch the cache instead of running "autoreconf" stage.
> >
> > I did some testings for sato build, the result is not as good as we
> > expected:
> >
> > On a server build machine (Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2 sockets with 6
> core each and hyperthreading, thus 24 logical CPUs in all, 66G memory):
> >
> > w/o the optimization:
> > real    83m40.963s
> > user    496m58.550s
> > sys     329m1.590s
> >
> > w/ the optimization:
> > real    79m1.062s
> > user    460m58.600s
> > sys     347m42.120s
> >
> > It has about 5% performance gain.
> Whats interesting there is the relatively large sys times compared to user. 
> Any
> idea why that's happening? Spinning locks?

Yes, I also noticed the the in-consistent data of user and sys.
During the build, sometimes I found the build will suspend for some time and 
system is doing "kjournald".
It happens relatively frequent on that 24 CPU's server with "48" and "-j48" 
assigned for build parallel parameters.
I am not sure whether this caused the above phenomenon.

> > I also tested the patch on a desktop core-i7 machine (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7
> CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz, 4 core 8 logical CPU, 4G memory):
> >
> > w/o the optimization:
> > real    105m25.436s
> > user    372m48.040s
> > sys     51m23.950s
> >
> > w/ the optimization:
> > real    103m38.314s
> > user    332m35.770s
> > sys     49m4.520s
> >
> > It only has about 2% performance gain.
> >
> > The result is not encouraging.
> Agreed, this isn't as good as we'd hoped for :(.
> > There are also some other things we need to take into consideration
> > for this feature:
> >
> > 1. If add this feature, the first build time should be longer than
> > current since it needs to build the autoreconf cache.
> > 2. Maintainers needs to maintain the SRC_URI checksums not only for
> > source code, but also all its patches. For some recipes, it has more
> > than 20 patches, which needs assignable maintenance effort.
> > 3. How to distribute the caches will be a problem. The total size of
> > such cache is about 900M (before compression) and 200M (after
> > compression). Since the size is not small, distributing it with Poky
> > source code doesn't make sense. On another aspect, we can use
> > something like "sstate". But since we already have caches of sstate, I
> > think it is not necessary for us to enable another similar cache
> > mechanism with little improvement.
> >
> > Therefore my opinion is we may give up this feature. What's your
> > comments and suggestions?
> I think we should put the patches together on a branch in contrib so we keep
> them somewhere in case we want them. Certainly tracking what changes the
> autoreconf process makes may be useful in other situations in future so its
> worth keeping the patches. I think you're right and we should shelve the idea
> for now though as it doesn't look to be worth the pain it entails.

OK, I will queue my patch into a contrib tree and keep it there.

> For reference, we probably do need to start tracking the file checksums for 
> the
> benefit of sstate.

Could you explain more here? Here the file checksums you mentioned is SRC_URI 
How can it help sstate?


> The mediocre performance improvement is likely down to the size of the cache
> data but I can't immediately think of a way to improve that :(.
> Cheers,
> Richard

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