Here are the notes from the May 17th Yocto Technical Team meeting.
- Julie

Attendees:  Mark (Wind River, OE steering, user space), Darren (Intel, kernel), 
Julie (Intel, program management), Beth (Intel, build/release, statistics, 
autobuilder), Dave Stewart (Intel, engineering manager), Tom (Intel, software 
engineer), Richard (project architect), Saul (Intel, user space architect), 
Jessica (Intel, ADT maintainer/Eclipse plug-in), Jeff Polk (Wind River, 
integration), Dennis (Texas Instruments, OE development, system integration), 
Yu Ke (Intel, Yocto core meta-data), Paul Eggleton (Intel, core engineer), 
Joshua (Intel, formerly open hand, build system/bitbake), Bruce (Wind River)

1) Review Yocto 1.1 Release Criteria
See updates at: 
2) Review Yocto 1.0.1 Release Criteria
See updates at: 
3) Opens - A loud noise on the bridge prevented us from covering opens.
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