On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 09:57 -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 2/14/11 12:52 AM, Cui, Dexuan wrote:
> > 1)  Building qemumips meta-toolchain-sdk failed: 
> > http://autobuilder.pokylinux.org:8010/builders/nightly-external/builds/35/steps/shell_26/logs/stdio
> > eglibc's do_package failed: 
> > ERROR: Error executing a python function in 
> > /srv/home/pokybuild/poky-slave/nightly-external/build/meta/recipes-core/eglibc/eglibc_2.12.bb:
> > CopyFailed: Command tar -cf - -C 
> > /srv/home/pokybuild/poky-slave/nightly-external/build/build/tmp/work/mips-poky-linux/eglibc-2.12-r13/sstate-install-package///package
> >  -ps . | tar -xf - -C 
> > /srv/home/pokybuild/poky-slave/nightly-external/build/build/tmp/work/mips-poky-linux/eglibc-2.12-r13/package
> >  failed with return value 2
> > 
> > Looks it's related to Mark's recent commit 3e6d91ec, but what's odd is: 
> > qemumips failed here while qemux86 and qemuarm are ok... BTW: MACHINE 
> > routerstationpro and atom-pc also have the same failure as qemumips.
> I've not seen this error.  The code in question would be located in
> meta/classes/package.bbclass.  There are only a couple of locations in there
> that we switched to the 'tar' method of copying.
> Is there any other error messages in the logs besides the one above?
> If it truly was error "2", then it means "No such file or directory".
> If someone is able to reproduce this, we can figure out if the source or
> destination are missing and how that occurred.

The error is not from package.bbclass, its from a oe.utils.copytree call
in sstate.bbclass and hence from a commit I made in the same spirit as
Mark's changes. What's going wrong I don't know though.



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