> From: Rick De Laet
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 9:22 AM
> I am new to yocto, I have installed yacto on Fedora 12.
> I was trying to follow the steps in the getting started guide and was
> trying a build with "bitbake make-native" and got some build errors in
> "elfutils", but it was using the compiler in my Fedora distribution.  I

The make-native is required on Fedora14. So you don't need that step and
Instead you could directly:
        Bitbake poky-image-sato

Btw, could you post your errors?

For native packages, yes the host compiler from your distribution is expected 

> have also downloaded the toolchain in /opt/poky, and manually reran
> configure in the elfutils to use the compilers in /opt/poky and it built
> fine.
> What config changes do I have to make so that bitbake builds everything
> using the toolchain compilers rather than the default gcc?  (i.e have it
> run each configure script so that it specifies the toolchain compiler
> rather than use the default compiler)
> I did run the environment script
>       /opt/poky/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux
> but apparently more is required

This makes me a bit confused what you're tempting to do. Did you try to build
a complete sato image, or want to use pre-built image and downloard toolchain
to develop application? For the former you don't need the later /opt/poky
stuff. For the latter you don't need build any native packages since all the 
are already there.

Kevin s
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