A few fixes here. First, reverting down to 0.8.2 for the time being since
there was issues with 0.8.3's git poller. Also, fixing an issue with how
bb setup.py works when setuptools is installed.

Fixing a known error in how generate sources tarball performs

Signed-off-by: Beth Flanagan <elizabeth.flana...@intel.com>
 scripts/poky-autobuild-generate-sources-tarball |    2 +-
 scripts/poky-setup-autobuilder                  |   59 +++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/poky-autobuild-generate-sources-tarball 
index 11ebda1..c445f24 100755
--- a/scripts/poky-autobuild-generate-sources-tarball
+++ b/scripts/poky-autobuild-generate-sources-tarball
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if [[ -z "$RELEASE" || -z "$VERSION" ]]; then
 if [[ -z "$BRANCH" ]]; then
-       $BRANCH = "master"
+       BRANCH = "master"
diff --git a/scripts/poky-setup-autobuilder b/scripts/poky-setup-autobuilder
index 51e06eb..299b8c2 100755
--- a/scripts/poky-setup-autobuilder
+++ b/scripts/poky-setup-autobuilder
@@ -130,32 +130,33 @@ def configureBot(buildtype):
     elif buildtype == "slave":
         URL = bbSlaveDownloadUrl
     bbInstallFile = "./" + URL.rpartition("/")[2]
-    try:
-        bbSourceDir = bbInstallerHome + "/" + 
bbInstallFile.rpartition("/")[2].replace(".tar.gz", "")
-        print "Configuring " + bbSourceDir        
-        os.chdir(bbSourceDir)
-        os.system ("echo 'export PYTHONPATH=" + bbSourceDir + 
"/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH' >> "  
-            + bbHome + "/.profile" )
-        if buildtype == "master":
-            bbInstallDir = bbMasterDir
-        elif buildtype == "slave":
-            bbInstallDir = bbSlaveDir
-        cmd = "cd " + bbSourceDir + "; export PYTHONPATH=" + bbInstallDir + 
"/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH; python ./setup.py install 
--prefix=" + bbInstallDir
-        os.system (cmd) 
-    except:
-        print "Issues Configuring "
-        sys.exit(1)
-#BuildBot download parameters
-bbVersion = "0.8.3"
+#    try:
+    bbSourceDir = bbInstallerHome + "/" + 
bbInstallFile.rpartition("/")[2].replace(".tar.gz", "")
+    print "Configuring " + bbSourceDir        
+    os.chdir(bbSourceDir)
+    os.system ("echo 'export PYTHONPATH=" + bbSourceDir + 
"/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH' >> "  
+        + bbHome + "/.profile" )
+    if buildtype == "master":
+        bbInstallDir = bbMasterDir
+    elif buildtype == "slave":
+        bbInstallDir = bbSlaveDir
+    cmd = "cd " + bbSourceDir + "; export PYTHONPATH=" + bbInstallDir + 
"/lib/python2.6/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH; python ./setup.py build; python 
./setup.py install --prefix=" + bbInstallDir
+    os.system (cmd) 
+#    except:
+#        print "Issues Configuring "
+#        sys.exit(1)
+# BuildBot download parameters
+#bbVersion = "0.8.3"
+# Pushing this back down to 0.8.2 until 0.8.3p1 comes out.
+bbVersion = "0.8.2"
 bbMasterDownloadUrl = "http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-"; + 
bbVersion + ".tar.gz"
 bbSlaveDownloadUrl = "http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/buildbot-slave-"; + 
bbVersion + ".tar.gz"
 bbConfigDownloadUrl = None
 bbInstallerHome = os.getcwd()
 bbInstallFile = ""
-# We need the expanded path for ~ later
-bbHome = os.path.expanduser('~')
+bbHome = ""
 bbType = None
 bbSlaveDesc="Poky Autobuilder Example"
@@ -188,7 +189,8 @@ parser.add_option( "--maxlogs", help = "The max number of 
logs you want saved. I
                        action = "store", dest = "bbMaxLogs", default = "10" )  
 parser.add_option( "--adminmail", help = "The administrator email address. If 
left unset we set it to current user @ localhost",
                        action = "store", dest = "bbAdminMail", default = 
"r...@localhost" )                        
+parser.add_option( "--installbase", help = "The base install directory. If 
left unset we set we'll use --masterdir/slavedir/sourcedir/pstagedir/controldir 
or their defaults",
+                       action = "store", dest = "bbHome", default = 
os.path.expanduser('~') )          
 options, args = parser.parse_args( sys.argv )
 # We need to decide if we're doing a master or slave install or both
@@ -236,7 +238,10 @@ if bbPStagingDir == "":
 if bbType == "master" or bbType == "both":
-        os.mkdir(bbMasterDir)
+        # We do this here, because if setuputils is installed BuildBot wants 
to use it the easy_install way
+        # however, their easy_install way will fail if the dir does not exist. 
It's a bug in the BB installer
+        # that I'm going to have to figure out and push upstream.
+        os.makedirs(bbMasterDir + "/lib/python2.6/site-packages/")
         print bbMasterDir + " already exists."
@@ -332,7 +337,10 @@ c['projectURL'] = pokyABConfig.poky_projurl
 if bbType == "slave" or bbType == "both":
-        os.mkdir(bbSlaveDir) 
+        # We do this here, because if setuputils is installed BuildBot wants 
to use it the easy_install way
+        # however, their easy_install way will fail if the dir does not exist. 
It's a bug in the BB installer
+        # that I'm going to have to figure out and push upstream.
+        os.makedirs(bbSlaveDir + "/lib/python2.6/site-packages/") 
@@ -400,7 +408,7 @@ PSTAGEDIR=%s
 # We should correct this for slave only/master only builds
 print """
-nstallation complete. Please review the output above for any errors.
+Installation complete. Please review the output above for any errors.
 Then edit the master.cfg file in %s and start the build master and
 build slave by running 'make start' in %s and %s directories.
@@ -418,3 +426,4 @@ cd <poky-slave>; make start
 """ % (bbMasterDir, bbMasterDir, bbSlaveDir, bbSlaveDir, bbSlaveDir, 

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