Hi, Jessica

Thanks a lot for the comments. Today I have finished the structural movement.
I have moved install opkg, download images from privilege required shell to
the outer wrapper firstly. The updated shell is in the same place.

Now I am beginning to refine the detailed code which will address all your 

After finish it, I will post the refined version to you a little later.

Thanks a lot!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zhang, Jessica
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 8:19 AM
> To: Ke, Liping; Lu, Lianhao; Tian, Kevin
> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: RE: yocto_installer test script update
> Liping,
> I've modified couple files mainly for the messaging, styling, etc.
> Also, globaly changed SDK to ADT (Application Development Tools, which
> is the new name that came out refering to the toolchains, etc.).
> Please see attachment.
> Other comments:
> 1. I'd expect after your do the code clean up, the code logic flow
> should be more clearer, now the functions and main installation  code
> are mingled together 2. There're couple places that I commented off
> with my initial JZ which I don't think there're the needs for the code,
> we can walk through them tonight...
> 3. For target sysroot setup, I'd expect similar prompt to the user
> about the specified configuration and confirmation 4. Also for target
> sysroot setup, in the yocto_config file, you specify
> ROOTFS_powerpc="sdk"
> TARGET_SYSROOT_IMAGE_powerpc="sato"
> I'd expect the installer will run into error since the download images
> only contain SDK no sato, sysroot can't be setup using sato, which I
> think it's missing from the current code...
> In general it looks good and main flow that needs to be covered are
> there...
> Thanks,
> Jessica
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ke, Liping
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 2:06 AM
> To: Zhang, Jessica; Lu, Lianhao; Tian, Kevin
> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: yocto_installer test script update
> Hi, Jessica
> The newer version of the installer is in lianhao's location. You can
> directly run ./yocto_installer http://llu-piketon.sh.intel.com/ Today
> we tested both on 32 bit and 64 bit ubuntu host.
> It's very initial and rough, I will move many non-root required ops
> into the outer wrapper script later.
> Any early comments are welcomed, just let me know.
> Thanks& Regards,
> criping

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