Attendees: PRC: Dave, RP, PRC Distro Team, US: Beth, Scott, Nitin, Saul Opens: no opens
4 milestones M2: 6 sprints M3 : 6 sprints around a week of sprint sprint A is bit longer M4: stabilizing & bug fixing Release: on Apr 1st (April Fool's Day), Contingency Apr 15th release venue: Linux foundation event on Apr 6th week PRC Holidays: New hear holiday: Feb 3rd, normally 8 days, people may take extra days off before or after Saul: QA testing may need pushing further 1 week ? Dave: the QA test may be complete by the new year holiday For publically publishing this plan, remove owner/source ? : take it offline Main goals of 1.0 release: Improve overall experience, and add new BSPs. Package updates: License Checksum & Source Checksum (in bb files) Will be made fetal errors Source Checksum: The current checkers only checks the source checksum in the ini files and not in bb files. Will drop from sprint B ? Need to do Audit to find how many are mismatching. AR: for Saul Mark will be doing package distribution Need to do package updates as soon as we can. M3: Package updates, should be a small list Yu Ke: work with Saul, rootless X & checksum Qing: work with Mark on zypper/RPM, performance investigation, RP: fork vs. exec discussion Edwin: KVM/qemu work, qemu recipe maintainer, audio in qemu? Our qemu has big patch for GL pass through Dongxiao: sysroot per machine per recipe Image creator ? ophono ? Lei: help Beth with package history How long is your internship? 1 year. till next summer Nitin: M2: toolchain, eglibc, gcc with testing, perl M3: mklibs with mark eglibc & busybox need newer patches for fedora 14; josh's patches can go in. Scott: security process libtool sysroot support upstream documentation enabling/disabling helping Beth with autobuilder helping with sysadmin Beth: Autobuilder updates creating license directory for release process Documentation of release process & clarifying Package History with Saul & RP open task list: BSP work profiling & tracing Package developer tool ? updating metademo apps
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