Zbigniew <zbigniew2...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I believe there's a need to change the functionality of the
> DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight functions.
>   It has nowadays become quite common to use the so-called virtual
> screens — i.e. providing a larger operating field than visible on the
> screen. The problem is that when using a virtual screen, both
> functions mentioned return its size and not size of the physical
> screen, which seldom makes sense in programming practice (for example,
> see:
>  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28774830/retrieve-physical-screen-size
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/573121/get-current-screen-dimensions-via-xlib-using-c
> ).

Are you making reference to DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight, or
DisplayWidthMM and DisplayHeightMM?  And please explain which X
extension supplies your ``virtual screen'' functionality; I daresay the
``screens'' you speak of are not true screens in the X sense, but rather
monitors or outputs, wherein the server extension that implements them
should be exploited to ascertain their dimensions.

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