On 11/24/24 17:29, Leif H Silli wrote:
(I have gotten the same result twice, for the same HTML document. But I
did not look deeply to understand the reason/cause of this bug.)
1) What I did:
I was thinking to myself about proposing that XXE should get a Word &
Character count tool. But then I figured I should just use XXE’s RegEx,
for the time being.
However, in my HTML document, I did not want to count the content of the
<title> element. But how to avoid that?
I ended up deleting the content of <title> - which thus became empty.
And then I placed the cursor inside <title> (since that was the topmost
element in my simple document).
2) Expected outcome:
I would search for AnyCharacter (using the dott in a RegEx search) in
the document, replacing the each finding with $0. I would then get, as
«side effect» the numer of replacements displayed at the bottom of the
Window in XXE.
3) Actual result:
The above expectation did work, as long as <title> was non-empty. But
when <title> was empty (and the cursor as well – and logically - was
placed inside <title>), XXE would start to crash. (The crashing took for
ever, so it would perhaps be more accurate to describe it as a freeze.)
4) Workaround:
Make sure that <title> is not empty.
Btw, I wonder if the same thing would happen for any empty element that
is supposed to be able to contain textual content. However, I did not
run any tests to check/verify that assumption.
Thank you for taking the time to report that bug. We'll try to reproduce
it and fix it in next version of XXE.
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