Hi Hussein
I have discovered a small error in the messages. File: .XMLmind_XML_Editor\addon\config\dita\xsl\common\messages\de.xml The literal translation for attention in German is Aufmerksamkeit, but in this context the word Achtung would be correct. Can you please correct this in the next version of XMLMind? Many thanks and best regards. Martin Schild Dipl. Ingenieur FH, Testmanager ISTQB, Quality Manager Entwicklung, Teamleiter Opacc Laboratory AG - Wahligenpark 1 - CH-6023 Rothenburg Telefon +41 41 349 51 00 - <http://www.opacc.ch> www.opacc.ch - <mailto:martinsch...@opacc.ch;> martinsch...@opacc.ch OpaccERPC | OpaccEnterpriseShopC | OpaccEnterpriseCRMC | OpaccOXASC Gut informiert und vernetzt, folgen Sie uns. <https://www.linkedin.com/company/opacc-software-ag>
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