On 11/21/24 17:28, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Bård wrote:
I’ve been looking into the details of the “customize.xxe”-system. We
would like to replace the PNG output from texmathtoimg.bat with SVG.
The reason is that SVG renders much better in a browser, in
particular when users zoom. It is also easier to scale the image
using the viewport scale settings.
You may want to consider Javascript based https://www.mathjax.org in
favour of generated SVG images. The following sample has been generated
from Docbook5.1:
Nice aside: Mathjax supports both TeX/LaTeX and MathML. The latter in
turn being visually supported by Xmlmind editor.
Martin Goik
For there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely
outdone by the madness of men. Herman Melville
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