Ingvi S. wrote:
We have been using Xmetal for speech publishing for years but
are now looking for a web-based alternative.
We have several document types supported by Xmetal customization and we
are looking for a editor that can be adapted to you schemas.
Is it possible to adapt XMLmind web edition to another schema than Dita
and DocBook?
XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition can do almost everything the desktop app
can do, using the very same "customization" files. (Which is normal
because both the desktop app and xxeserver, the Websocket server which
is the backend of Web Edition share the same code base.)
How to add support for document types other than DocBook, DITA, XHTML,
Tei Lite, etc, is done by creating "customization" files, that is, CSS
stylesheets, XML (.xxe) configuration files and for, the most complex
cases, commands written in Java.
How to do this is explained here:
XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment
Chapter 2. Writing a configuration file for XXE
See also
XMLmind XML Editor - Support of Cascading Style Sheets (W3C CSS)
(XMLmind XML Editor -- XXE for short -- supports a subset of CSS2 with a
number of proprietary extensions used to style image, audio, video, math
and form elements.)
And if so what kind of licensing are required?
Just the Web Edition License.
(I see there is a web
edition license, but is more needed?)
No, no other license.
I would suggest, before buying anything from us, to download and install
"XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition"
and develop your "customization" files for this desktop app.
If it works in the desktop app, then and only then, download and install
"XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition Evaluation"
and you'll see that, without any change, xxeserver, the backend of Web
Edition, will automatically pick all your "customization" files which
already work in the desktop app.
We plan to add a chapter to the documentation of "XMLmind XML Editor Web
Edition" explaining precisely all this.
XMLmind XML Editor Support List