On 6/17/24 19:20, Bryan Pettit wrote:

    I’m experiencing an issue with specifying the paper.type parameter when building PDF documents via *xxeconvert* from the command line. We typically print PDFs in “letter” format but would also like the option of printing in A4. In the XMLmind Editor, I have paper.type set to “letter” in the Document Conversion Parameters under *DocBook >* *Convert Document > Convert to PDF* per our default. The custom transformation file we use also includes <xsl:param name=”paper.type”>letter</xsl:param>.

After changing the paper.type parameter in our transformation file to <xsl:param name=”paper.type”>A4</xsl:param>, subsequent builds from the command line via *xxeconvert* are /not/ picking up that change in the transformation file—the builds are still using paper.type=”letter”, as shown below.

That's right. I've reproduced your issue here at XMLmind Software.

It appears that the Document Conversion Parameters in XMLmind’s GUI is overriding my custom transformation file parameters when building via *xxeconvert* from the command line. Is that intended?

Yes, this is the intended behavior. xxeconvert is *really* XXE without a GUI. Hence this program will behave exactly like the XXE desktop app.

XSLT parameters specified in the "Document Conversion Parameters" pane of "DocBook > Convert Document > Convert to PDF" have priority over those specified in the XSLT transformation files, whether the stock ones or custom ones.

The idea here is that the "Document Conversion Parameters" pane of "DocBook > Convert Document > Convert to PDF" lets the user quickly and interactively experiment/change XSLT parameters.

I know xxeconvert is part of of the XMLmind Editor program as a whole, but I would expect any parameter explicitly specified in my custom transformation file to override that same parameter configured (at some point in the past) in the Document Conversion Parameters.

I'm sorry but this is not the case for the reasons explained above.

PS: It seems that the correct value for "paper.type" is "USletter", not "letter". "letter" seems to work because the size of an US letter is used as a fallback for unknown "paper.type" values.

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