I have been editing XML documents that contain a combination of "Invalid
Reference" validity errors and "Semantic Error" validity errors. If a
document contains both types of error, the validity state[0] displays the
minor validity error icon. (My guess is that the priority of the icon
follows the chart on that page, with later entries having higher priority.)
As the validity state documentation mentions, though, the "Invalid
Reference" error "is very common so you should not be alarmed by this
situation", and, indeed, I actually expect this error in these documents
because each document is being XIncluded into a larger document where the
cross-references then resolve.

This means, though, that in this situation I don't get clear feedback when
the document also contains a "Semantic Error" validity error, which for me
is actually a more severe error than the "Invalid Reference" validity
error. These errors are included in the full list in the validity tool, but
they can easily get lost in a long list of "Invalid Reference" validity
errors, and if they are an odd-numbered error in the list, they have a
background color of white, which blends into the light yellow of the
surrounding "Invalid Reference" validity errors.

So, my request: is there a way for me to configure the priority of errors
that are displayed by the validity state notifier? (Or does it make sense
to hard-code the priority of "Semantic Error" validity errors to be just
above "Invalid Reference" validity errors?) And also, is there a way to
make "Semantic Error" validity errors stand out more in the validity tool?
Could the list of errors somehow also include the icon of the error that is
displayed by the validity state notifier?

[0] <https://xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/checkValidityTool.html>

Thanks for your consideration!


John L. Clark
XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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