On 5/14/24 22:48, Jirka Kosek wrote:
On 14.05.2024 18:19, Hussein Shafie wrote:
Please do not hesitate to explain what's wrong with the two above
assumptions (the list of "Common Effectivity Attributes" and the
"Custom profiling attribute") and may be, point us to more up-to-date
reference documents. We'll be glad to fix bugs and/or improve the
DocBook support of the "Easy Profiling" add-on
I'm not saying that you did anything wrong. But two observations:
* Profiling is usually performed on other attributes than only on
"effectivity" attributes. Two most common examples are @status (you want
to filter our draft pieces of document before publishing) and @xml:lang
(some people store translations of document in a single file and need to
profile on language to get readable output in one language). So I would
expect that your profiling add-on would support profiling at least on
attributes supported by DocBook stylesheets (see
Thanks for the pointer. Consider this one fixed.
* It is very common to customize DocBook schema and add additional
profiling attributes (see e.g.
https://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/AddProfileAtt.html). So it would be
great if your add-on could support such scenarios as well.
Thanks again. Will carefully read this chapter.
My expectation was that any attribute could be used as you can specify
any attribute in .profiles file. And this seems to work in editor.
So I was expecting these attributes to be passed to transformation as
well. I can imagine that you can either do it by passing all configured
attributes in .profiles in parameters named profile.xxx where xxx is
attribute name -- this currently works only for predefined set of
effectivity attributes.
Sounds very reasonable and consistent with what's explained in
https://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/AddProfileAtt.html. Will almost
certainly do this.
Or alternatively if you don't want to make this too DocBook specific it
would be nice if in .profiles you could specify name of XSLT parameter
that would be used for passing value when document is being converted.
Well, the "Easy Profiling" add-on tries to hide this kind of
technicalities. But no worries, above suggestion will almost certainly
be implemented.
At least I know that I have to use normal XSLT parameters for now as we
are using custom profiling attributes.
Yes, for now, but this will change in next version of XXE.
Thank you very much for all these insights!
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