Z. wrote:

I am working on a technical book written in DITA with some figures in
PNG format.
I need some software to publish my book in PDF and EPUB3 formats for commercial
purposes. I am interested in XMLMind, but I have two sets of questions:

(1) What type of customer support can I get? To be specific, I would
like know the
      following tricks:

     - How to start the first chapter of a volume at page and chapter numbers
           other than one?

     - How to use the dropped capital feature on the first letter
           in the first paragraph of a chapter?

     - How to set page margins?

     - How to customize header / footer so that they can be
           different on odd and even pages?

     - How to keep a large table on the same page, instead of being
           split between two pages?

     - How to prevent a word from being separated at the end of a line?

     - Other similar things I might need.

All your questions are related to the way a DITA document is converted to PDF and EPUB3.

Our product is a DITA *editor*, not a publishing software. Indeed, it can convert a DITA document to several output formats, but customizing the output, while quite possible (we have a graphical tool which makes this relatively quick and safe: the "XMLmind XSL Customizer" helper application) requires you to really understand how this output is created, namely to understand the XSL technology.

See the "Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets" dialog box: https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/ConversionStylesheetsEditor_intro.html

See the "XMLmind XSL Customizer" application: https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/com.xmlmind.xslcustom.Customizer.html

I am not sure support A, B, C, D will cover the above.

"C. Help me customize the output of the "Convert Document" submenu", could be understand as if it covered the above. See "Support policy", https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/support_policy.html.

This is definitely not the case. We merely give you leads about what you can do and also, sometime, give you a quick start by answering at most a couple of questions, (e.g. "How to customize header / footer so that they can be different on odd and even pages").

I don't
even know what is a

You don't need to. The "XMLmind XSL Customizer" application will take care of that. See "Options", "Customize Configuration" menu, "Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets" menu item, https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/customizeConfigurationMenu.html

However, given what you want to achieve, you must really understand how this output is created, namely to understand the XSL technology.

I am not a DITA expert at all.

     I will go over the online document, but I need someone to help me
if something is not
     documented or I cannot figure it out myself after reading the document.

(2) I am considering the DITA Editor Professional Edition.
     My question is: Can I run DITA editor on both Windows and Ubuntu


I might need
     to use fonts available on Windows because I am not sure fonts on
Ubuntu are good enough.

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