On 3/12/24 09:14, Leander Scheske wrote:
I am currently working on a DITA Map and have created several topics and
inserted them into the map. Now, I would like to export the map as a
PDF, however, two errors occurred during the export process.
1. Spelling errors occur such as in the following sentence "Keee the
controller awaa from liquids or siiilar." These errors persist in every
publication elsewhere.
That's normal because you are using XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition.
See note "Professional Edition features running in “evaluation mode”
when using Personal Edition",
2. I would like each topic to begin on a new page. Unfortunately, I do
not know how to achieve this, and I have not found a solution in the
forum or on the internet.
The pagination is driven the part/chapter/section structure of the DITA
bookmap/map and by not by the topics referenced by the map. Therefore
the short answer is: sorry, not possible.
However you may try this:
* Force a page break before each topic by inserting <?pagebreak?>
processing-instructions in your DITA source. See "Tip" in
* Use a bookmap rather than a map. The bookmap contains <chapter>s (a
<chapter> is a kind of <topicref>;
each <chapter> pointing to a different <topic>.
This one is guaranteed to work.
If your topics are nested or if a single DITA file contains multiple
this can still work but you'll have to make extra efforts when creating
your bookmap. However, as always, it's best to have "one .dita file =
one topic".
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