Hi Hussein,

thank you for your quick response. I will give it a try.

Is there a way to upgrade my current version to a newer one where xml mind works safely on Linux without a lot of fiddling around?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

On 26.01.24 17:39, Hussein Shafie wrote:
On 1/26/24 11:55, Danijel Makivic wrote:

I have an old xml-mind version (approx. 7 years old ) for Windows and would like to switch to a ubuntu (kubuntu) version. Is there a way to do so?
Please let me know, what I have to do.

You could try this:

1) Copy the Windows folder containing XMLmind XML Editor. This folder should be %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor<MAJOR_VERSION_HERE>\
(Example: C:\Users\Danijel\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\XMLEditor8\)

2) Paste copied Windows folder anywhere on your Ubuntu computer. For example: /opt/XMLEditor<MAJOR_VERSION_HERE>/

3) Make sure a Java runtime is installed on your Ubuntu computer and that its Java binaries are found in your $PATH.

Oldest version of Java is best. For example, Java SE 8u401 found here:


(Java 8 is super solid and works great on my OpenSuSE Linux box.)

Test this installation by running:

$ java -version

4) Delete folder /opt/XMLEditor<MAJOR_VERSION_HERE>/bin/jre64/ (or is it /opt/XMLEditor<MAJOR_VERSION_HERE>/bin/jre/ ?) because it contains useless Windows binaries.

5) Start XMLmind XML Editor by running the following shell script:

$ /opt/XMLEditor<MAJOR_VERSION_HERE>/bin/xxe

Being a very old version tested against very old versions of Java, we cannot guarantee that XMLmind XML Editor will work flawlessly on your Ubuntu computer or even that it will work at all.

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