Bård Peter T. wrote:
Thanks for your quick response. I was into the same documents that you have 
listed here and kind of concluded that it would be difficult since webhelp is 
not using the standard docbook TOC as far as I could tell.

I wrote you: "Of course, if we find a way to improve this, we'll do it". Well, it was quite simple to solve this one!

This enhancement will be found in XXE v10.6.

Meanwhile, if you want to use it right now, provided that you convert DocBook 5+ (not DocBook 4) documents to Web Help, simply replace in XXE_install_dir/addon/config/docbook5/xsl/webhelp/:

profile-webhelp.xsl 15988bytes

webhelp.xsl 15279bytes

by attached new versions:

profile-webhelp.xsl 16132bytes

webhelp.xsl 15423bytes

If your part, chapters, sections and appendices are automatically numbered, then you'll now find the same numbers in the Web Help TOC. There is nothing special to configure.

I may have to look into converting everything to Dita, our user documentation 
is quite big and the client has this on the wishlist.

Good to see that the mathml changes will be implemented, hopefully you can 
replace JEuclid too.

We tried but we failed to find a replacement not involving a huge amount of work. Sorry.

Attachment: profile-webhelp.xsl
Description: application/xslt

Attachment: webhelp.xsl
Description: application/xslt

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