Thank you for reporting this. Removed the incorrect note mentioned below
from "XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment".
On 1/18/23 17:59, Leif H Silli wrote:
Referring to the ‘Save options’ section of the ‘XMLmind XML Editor -
Configuration and Deployment’ documentation[1], it adds the following
note about how ‘charsSavedAsEntityRefs’ works:
There is no need to specify the non-breaking space character (nbsp
= 160 = 0xa0 = 0240) as it is always implicitly added to this list.
This appears currently to be incorrect. Here is what I did to find out:
1) I added following config to XMLmindXMLEditor:
<cfg:saveOptions charsSavedAsEntityRefs="229”/>
2) Restarted XXE and typed both an ‘å’ and a no break
space character into my document – and saved.
The ‘å’ was saved as an entity. Whereas nothing happened to the
‘no-break space' character – it was simply saved as directly typed.
Hence, it does not seem to have been implicitly added to the list. In
order to get non-breaking space characters to be saved as an entity, I
had to explictly add it to the list.
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