Leif S. wrote:

Because then, by default, on the Mac, XXE will add the option -n to the command that will be run. Most users do probably not know that the -n causes a new instance of the selected program to be opened each time one opens that particular kind of files. Hence, would it not be better to, by default, **not** add the -n command? And instead let those in the know add the -n themselves, if they really need it?

When a user specifies a .app (e.g. Gimp.app, the open source image editor) to be used as a helper application, XXE invokes this macOS application as follows:

open -W -n -a Gimp

The "-W -n" options are there because XXE considers this app to be an editor and not simply a viewer.

-W    Wait until the applications exit (even if they were already open).
Use with the -n flag to allow open to function as an appropriate app for the $EDITOR environment variable.

-n Open a new instance of the application(s) even if one is already running.

For example, select an PNG image in the styled view and choose menu item "Tools|Helper Application|Edit Element or Attribute Content" (see http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/helperApplicationMenu.html).

1) You'll first see this dialog box (attached "Choose.png") letting you choose the element or one of its attributes.

2) After that, the Gimp app is started and is used to edit selected image.

3) At the same time, you'll see this other dialog box (attached "Wait_for_Gimp_to_exit.png").

4) After Gimp exits, XXE detects whether the PNG file has been modify using the helper application and if this the case, XXE updates the styled view accordingly.

Without options -W -n, "Tools|Helper Application|Edit Element or Attribute Content" simply cannot work.

May be this is not entirely satisfactory, but for now, we prefer to keep it this way, that is, keep assuming that the helper app is to be used mainly as a specialized editor.
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