On 11/30/22 08:59, Vincent DEYGAS wrote:
What about the DITA 2.0 specification?
Do you plan to provide a preview version of XMLmind DITA Converter that
supports features of the upcoming OASIS DITA 2.0 specification?
We plan to fully support DITA 2.0 in all our products. In order to do that:
1) We'll wait until DITA 2.0 becomes a published standard.
XMLmind Software has no sufficient working forces to afford implementing
Working Drafts (see
and publishing preview versions of new technologies. Sorry.
2) We'll gradually add DITA 2.0 support to all our products.
For example, we may start with XMLmind XML Editor which could then be
used to create and edit DITA 2.0 documents but not convert them to other
formats yet. Then, having learned a lot about DITA 2.0, we may start
adding full DITA 2.0 support to XMLmind DITA Converter.
Step (2) generally takes a few months to complete.
This policy applies to all standards. Another example is DocBook v5.2
(much simpler to fully support than DITA 2.0; in this case, it's just a
matter of weeks).
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