In a nutshell, any command found after in a command sequence will not be executed.

Why that? a command is executed in the context of the current view of the current document.

After a successful, for XXE, it's technically a different document which is now opened and for which a new view is created.

This is easy to check by yourself:

<command name="reopenCurrentDocument">
  <macro trace="true">
      <command name="" parameter="[reopen]" />
<command name="alert" parameter="Current document has been reopened." />

  <keyPressed code="F9" />
  <command name="reopenCurrentDocument" />

gives this trace:

-->reopenCurrentDocument:sequence: checking...
-->reopenCurrentDocument:command: checking... "[reopen]"
<--reopenCurrentDocument:command: can execute
<--reopenCurrentDocument:sequence: can execute
-->reopenCurrentDocument:sequence: executing...
-->reopenCurrentDocument:command: executing... "[reopen]"
<--reopenCurrentDocument:command: execution result='/'
-->reopenCurrentDocument:command: checking...
   alert "Current document has been reopened."
<--reopenCurrentDocument:command: CANNOT EXECUTE
<--reopenCurrentDocument:sequence: execution result='/'

The alert dialog is not displayed.

Sorry but there is no way to achieve what you want.

On 8/24/22 11:31, Madlik, Monika (LNG-VIE) wrote:
Hi Hussein,

many thanks for your advice! This works really good for me.

But now I have another question. I have to combine the new commands (adding the 
DTD via XSLT and reloading the file via [reopen]) with an existing one.
But after doing the XSL-transformation and the reopening of the file, the 
second command won't be processed.

My source looks like this:
<cfg:command name="release_pre">
                        <cfg:command name="save_with_nbsp"/>
                        <cfg:command name="release"/>

<cfg:command name="save_with_nbsp">
                        <cfg:command name="alert" parameter="IN SAVE NBSP"/>                              
                    <cfg:command name="selectNode" parameter="ancestorOrSelf[implicitElement] artikel"/>
                        <cfg:command name="" parameter="[ifNeeded]"/>
                        <cfg:set variable="file_origin" expression="'%d'"/>
                        <cfg:get expression="$file_origin"/>
                        <cfg:command name="transform_save_with_nbsp" parameter="%_"/>                     
            <cfg:command name="" parameter="[reopen]"/>   
                        <cfg:command name="alert" parameter="END SAVE NBSP"/>

<cfg:command name="transform_save_with_nbsp">
        <cfg:process showProgress="true">
                <cfg:copyDocument selection="true" to="in.xml"/>
                <cfg:transform stylesheet="xsl/transform_nbsp.xslt" version="2.0" file="in.xml" 
to="out.xml" cacheStylesheet="true"/>
                <cfg:upload base="%0">
                        <cfg:copyFile file="out.xml" to="%0"/>

This works fine and does the transformation but after reloading the file 
neither the alter nor the second command will be processed.

Can I force the second command ("release"), because it's important for me that 
this runs in one single step so that the user can't forget about adding the dtd before 
releasing the file.

Thanks a lot,

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