This is a question and a wish: Would it be possible to enhance the Find/Replace Elements function with the ability to not just find an element, in order to change it into another element, but also to delete found elements (the same way that it is possible to delete found attributes)?

There are certain strange things with the Find/Replace Elements function. For instance, I have some XHTML docs with this construct:


I want to get rid of the <dl> list, but I want to retain the text of the same element.

I tried using the Find/Replace Element function,  but it was impossible.

The general problem is that the Find/Replace ELement function does not permit me to create an invalid document … Hence I am not allowed to Find all <dl> and replace them with (text) - that is: with nothing. (Because then <dt> and <dd> would become children of <li>.)

But for some reason, I am allowed (if I use the Convert element function of the Edit menu) to do the same thing. Except that in that case, what happens is that both <dl>, <dt> and <dd> get removed PLUS that the text of <dd> is retained, whereas the text of <dt> is deleted. I do not get the logic of this …


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