At the moment, one can include a PDF file using the following syntax :
\XeTeXpdffile ⟨filename⟩ [ page ⟨int⟩ ] [ crop | media | bleed |
trim | art ]
[ scaled ⟨int⟩ | xscaled ⟨int⟩ | yscaled ⟨int⟩ | width ⟨dimen⟩ |
height ⟨dimen⟩ | rotated ⟨decimal⟩ ]
Insert (pages of) a PDF. See below for explanation
where [ crop | media | bleed | trim | art ] specify to which of the four
boxes known to PDF the inserted file is to be cropped. I frequently
have the need to crop a PDF file during inclusion to arbitrary
dimensions, but at the moment that would appear to be impossible (short
of pre-massaging the PDF to be inserted). Would it be possible to
enhance XeTeX to recognise and honour the following (or similar) syntax :
\XeTeXpdffile ⟨filename⟩ [ page ⟨int⟩ ] [ crop | media | bleed |
trim | art | custom [xmin ymin xmax ymax]]
[ scaled ⟨int⟩ | xscaled ⟨int⟩ | yscaled ⟨int⟩ | width ⟨dimen⟩ |
height ⟨dimen⟩ | rotated ⟨decimal⟩ ]
Insert (pages of) a PDF. See below for explanation
/Philip Taylor/