On Fri, Oct 14 2022 at  8:16 +02, Janusz S. Bień wrote:
> Hi!
> I just noticed, to my pleasant surprise, that my Emacs renders VS1 with
> the glyph used in the standard; the glyph is taken from Noto Sans
> Manichaean Regular (no idea why Emacs selected just this very font).
> Actually I was looking for a font which contains glyphs for variation
> selectors, so I tried to print it. As this did not work, I tried check
> whether the VS1 works in the intended context, i.e. with e.g. MANICHAEAN
> LETTER DALETH, and I am quite confused --- sometimes it works and
> sometimes it doesn't.
> Please have a look at the enclosed examples. I will appreciate very much
> your comments.

I just noticed that in the list archive the first attachment looks
strange, so I repeat it inline:

\setmainfont{Noto Sans Manichaean}


\char"10AC5 ︀






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Janusz S. Bien
emeryt (emeritus)

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