On 4/12/21 5:44 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> It also looks a bit odd that adding a device is now viewed as a 
>> reconfiguration. It seems to me that xen_pcibk_setup_backend() and 
>> xen_pcibk_reconfigure() really should be merged --- initialization code for 
>> both looks pretty much the same.
> I thought the same, but didn't want to make more of a change than is
> needed to address the problem at hand. Plus of course there's still
> the possibility that someone may fix libxl, at which point the change
> here (and hence the merging) would become unnecessary.

Merging them would be a good thing regardless of fixing libxl. But I agree that 
it is separate from fixing the issue at hand.

Maybe rename the function? (I myself can't think of a good name).


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