Introduce a helper to update the CPUID policy using an array of
xen_cpuid_leaf_t entries. Note the leaves present in the input
xen_cpuid_leaf_t array will replace any existing leaves on the policy.

No user of the interface introduced on this patch.

Signed-off-by: Roger Pau Monné <>
 tools/include/xenctrl.h         |  3 ++
 tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/include/xenctrl.h b/tools/include/xenctrl.h
index ab34df1dc98..2143478fe4b 100644
--- a/tools/include/xenctrl.h
+++ b/tools/include/xenctrl.h
@@ -2613,6 +2613,9 @@ int xc_cpu_policy_get_cpuid(xc_interface *xch, const 
xc_cpu_policy_t policy,
                             xen_cpuid_leaf_t *out);
 int xc_cpu_policy_get_msr(xc_interface *xch, const xc_cpu_policy_t policy,
                           uint32_t msr, xen_msr_entry_t *out);
+int xc_cpu_policy_update_cpuid(xc_interface *xch, xc_cpu_policy_t policy,
+                               const xen_cpuid_leaf_t *leaves,
+                               uint32_t nr);
 int xc_get_cpu_levelling_caps(xc_interface *xch, uint32_t *caps);
 int xc_get_cpu_featureset(xc_interface *xch, uint32_t index,
diff --git a/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c b/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c
index 091aeb70c9c..13c2972ccd3 100644
--- a/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c
+++ b/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c
@@ -966,3 +966,70 @@ int xc_cpu_policy_get_msr(xc_interface *xch, const 
xc_cpu_policy_t policy,
     return rc;
+int xc_cpu_policy_update_cpuid(xc_interface *xch, xc_cpu_policy_t policy,
+                               const xen_cpuid_leaf_t *leaves,
+                               uint32_t nr)
+    unsigned int err_leaf = -1, err_subleaf = -1;
+    unsigned int nr_leaves, nr_msrs, i, j;
+    xen_cpuid_leaf_t *current;
+    int rc = xc_cpu_policy_get_size(xch, &nr_leaves, &nr_msrs);
+    if ( rc )
+    {
+        PERROR("Failed to obtain policy info size");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    current = calloc(nr_leaves, sizeof(*current));
+    if ( !current )
+    {
+        PERROR("Failed to allocate resources");
+        errno = ENOMEM;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    rc = xc_cpu_policy_serialise(xch, policy, current, &nr_leaves, NULL, 0);
+    if ( rc )
+        goto out;
+    for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ )
+    {
+        const xen_cpuid_leaf_t *update = &leaves[i];
+        for ( j = 0; j < nr_leaves; j++ )
+            if ( current[j].leaf == update->leaf &&
+                 current[j].subleaf == update->subleaf )
+            {
+                /*
+                 * NB: cannot use an assignation because of the const vs
+                 * non-const difference.
+                 */
+                memcpy(&current[j], update, sizeof(*update));
+                break;
+            }
+        if ( j == nr_leaves )
+        {
+            /* Failed to find a matching leaf, append to the end. */
+            current = realloc(current, (nr_leaves + 1) * sizeof(*current));
+            memcpy(&current[nr_leaves], update, sizeof(*update));
+            nr_leaves++;
+        }
+    }
+    rc = x86_cpuid_copy_from_buffer(policy->cpuid, current, nr_leaves,
+                                    &err_leaf, &err_subleaf);
+    if ( rc )
+    {
+        ERROR("Failed to deserialise CPUID (err leaf %#x, subleaf %#x) (%d = 
+              err_leaf, err_subleaf, -rc, strerror(-rc));
+        errno = -rc;
+        rc = -1;
+    }
+ out:
+    free(current);
+    return rc;

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