From: Julien Grall <>

Hi all,
The AWS coverity instance spotted a few issues that could either
leak memory and derefence NULL pointer.

All the patches are candidate for 4.15 as they are hardening XenStored
code. The changes are low risks.


Julien Grall (5):
  tools/xenstored: Avoid unnecessary talloc_strdup() in do_control_lu()
  tools/xenstored: Avoid unnecessary talloc_strdup() in do_lu_start()
  tools/xenstored: control: Store the save filename in lu_dump_state
  tools/xenstore-control: Don't leak buf in live_update_start()
  tools/xenstored: Silence coverity when using xs_state_* structures

 tools/xenstore/include/xenstore_state.h |  6 +++---
 tools/xenstore/xenstore_control.c       |  4 +++-
 tools/xenstore/xenstored_control.c      | 26 +++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)


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