On 2/5/21 2:12 PM, Daniel P. Smith wrote:
> Greetings,
> Per the community call on Feb. 4 I would like to get the working group
> started that will be reviewing the major design decisions for the DomB
> implementation. A summary of the discussion around the two primary
> decisions we are seeking to get resolved are as follows,
> Topic: DomB: Adoption of Device Tree as the format for the Launch
> Control Module
> * Consensus approval from x86 and Arm maintainers and members of the Xen
> community on the call to proceed with Device Tree as the format for the
> DomB LCM (described in the previous mailing list posts).
> - a working group will follow up on the work for handling migration of
> device tree handling code within the hypervisor, previously imported
> from outside the project, from the Arm hypervisor code into Common.
> Topic: DomB: Surfacing configuration data to guests: ACPI tables, Device
> Tree
> * Recommendation was that both will be needed, and OK to proceed with
> just implementing one but plan and design for the second to be added.
> First is likely to be ACPI; to be determined as development progress is
> made.
> To continue the discussion from there, I would like to propose a call on
> Thursday February 11th at 1700UTC, 0900PST/1200EST/1800CEST. I have
> provided call details below for those who are able to attend. The agenda
> is available on CryptPad. If you are not able to attend, please reach
> out directly. Thanks and hope to see everyone on the call!
> Agenda
> ======
> https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/iVEku8zImQg320a3D4IBAKQh/

In case any who was not able to attend and would like some to see what
was discussed, you can find the meeting minutes at the link below.



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