Roger Pau Monné writes ("Re: [PATCH for-4.15 v2] VMX: use a single, global APIC 
access page"):
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 08:51:59AM +0100, Jan Beulich wrote:
> > If anything, then the latter, but largely neither afaict - there's no
> > change in this regard here at all as far as the guest could affect
> > behavior, due to the page getting inserted as p2m_mmio_direct, and
> > guest_remove_page() having
> > 
> >     if ( p2mt == p2m_mmio_direct )
> >     {
> >         rc = clear_mmio_p2m_entry(d, gmfn, mfn, PAGE_ORDER_4K);
> >         goto out_put_gfn;
> >     }
> > 
> > before any refcounting logic is reached. The removal of interaction
> > is because now the page doesn't get associated with a domain (and
> > hence doesn't become subject to refcounting) at all.
> > 
> > The risk of the change stems from going from using a per-domain
> > page to using a single, system-wide one, which indeed was the subject
> > of v1 discussion. In any event the consideration towards splitting
> > the change would cover either concern. Perhaps I should really do so
> > and submit as v3 ...
> I agree it would be less risky to keep using a per-domain page, and
> switch to a global one after the release. From the discussion in v1 I
> don't think we where able to spot any specific issues apart from
> guests possibly being able to access shared data in this page from
> passthrough devices. I would at least feel more confortable with
> that approach given the point we are in the release process.

Thanks to Roger and Jan for these comments which were very helpful to

Jan Beulich writes ("Re: [PATCH for-4.15 v2] VMX: use a single, global APIC 
access page"):
> Hmm, yes. The change wanted making anyway, for a long time imo. Hence
> when putting together the patch I forgot to call out that as a side
> effect it addresses a memory leak, as reported by Julien. With the
> splitting of the two changes that'll be necessarily mentioned. I'm
> about to submit v3.

Great, I see it now.


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