The handle_device() function has been returning failure upon
encountering a device address which was invalid.  A device tree which
had such an entry has now been seen in the wild.  As it causes no
failures to simply ignore the entries, ignore them.

Signed-off-by: Elliott Mitchell <>

I'm starting to suspect there are an awful lot of places in the various
domain_build.c files which should simply ignore errors.  This is now the
second place I've encountered in 2 months where ignoring errors was the
correct action.  I know failing in case of error is an engineer's
favorite approach, but there seem an awful lot of harmless failures
causing panics.

This started as the thread "[RFC PATCH] xen/arm: domain_build: Ignore
empty memory bank".  Now it seems clear the correct approach is to simply
ignore these entries.

This seems a good candidate for backport to 4.14 and certainly should be
in 4.15.
 xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c b/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
index 374bf655ee..c0568b7579 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/domain_build.c
@@ -1407,9 +1407,9 @@ static int __init handle_device(struct domain *d, struct 
dt_device_node *dev,
         res = dt_device_get_address(dev, i, &addr, &size);
         if ( res )
-            printk(XENLOG_ERR "Unable to retrieve address %u for %s\n",
-                   i, dt_node_full_name(dev));
-            return res;
+            printk(XENLOG_ERR "Unable to retrieve address of %s, index %u\n",
+                   dt_node_full_name(dev), i);
+            continue;
         res = map_range_to_domain(dev, addr, size, &mr_data);

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