Jan Beulich writes ("Re: [PATCH for-4.15] xen/mm: Fix build when CONFIG_HVM=n 
and CONFIG_COVERAGE=y [and 1 more messages]"):
> On 01.02.2021 15:54, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Julien Grall writes ("[PATCH for-4.15] xen/mm: Fix build when CONFIG_HVM=n 
> > and CONFIG_COVERAGE=y"):
> > Jan, can you confirm whether in your opinion this patch as originally
> > posted by Julien is *correct* as is ?  In particular, Julien did not
> > intend a functional change.  Have you satisfied yourself that there is
> > no functional change here ?
> Yes and yes.
> > I understand your objectiion above to relate to style or neatness,
> > rather than function.  Is that correct ?
> Yes.

Right, thanks.

> >  And that your proposed
> > additional change would have some impact whilch would have to be
> > assessed.
> The first of the proposed alternatives may need further
> investigation, yes. The second of the alternatives would
> shrink this patch to a 2-line one, i.e. far less code
> churn, and is not in need of any assessment afaia. In
> fact I believe this latter alternative was discussed as
> the approach to take here, before the patch was submitted.

Sorry I missed that part.  I would be happy with that other approach
too, so for that approach (adding a duplicated ASSERT) is also

Release-Acked-by: Ian Jackson <i...@xenproject.org>

I'm not a huge fan of code duplication, in general.  I suggest that if
the ASSERT is duplicated it might be worth leaving comment(s) by each
one pointing to the other.


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